
From the time I was elected club secretary in 2004 I have enjoyed serving our members and I would encourage every member to take on a leadership role - the benefits are life-changing.

2021-23 Region 9 Advisor: In this role I supported District leaders outside of my home Region in fulfilling the District mission to build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence. This role expanded my knowledge of the organisation and brought home to me how Districts can differ around the world while, at the same time, delivering on the Toastmasters brand promise.

2011-2019 District Officer and Leadership Roles: Excellence in Program Quality; District Governor Commendation when Area Governor.

2004 – to date: All club officer roles, running Youth Leadership and Speechcraft programs, Club Sponsor, Mentor and Coach.


I have known Patricia for over 10 years and during this time I have seen her grow. I watched her hone her leadership skills as she advanced through the District Leadership Team (DLT). Patricia was my right-hand person during my time as District Director. When I was faced with difficult decisions, Patricia would offer her suggestions on how to fix a problem which was appreciated. A team player when required and a leader from the front when needed.

Patricia lives by and makes decisions based on the core values of Toastmasters International of Respect, Integrity, Service and Excellence. I watched Patricia use the core values when making decisions that would affect the individual or the entire District. Her leadership didn’t stop at the District level but went on to the Region as an Advisor.

I fully support Patricia in her bid for International Director. She will have not only Toastmasters International but the members at heart while on the Board of Directors.

Red Skelton Past District 71 Director

Patricia is hugely knowledgeable and is willing to share her knowledge with all who seek her support.

I served as District Administration Manager with Patricia when she was District 71 Director. She has a very collaborative approach to decision making and listened to the views of the members of the team. She supported me in my role as Administration Manager and used her many years’ experience on the District Leadership Team to guide, assist and mentor me as a new member on the team. She was results focussed and kept the District mission to the fore in all our deliberations.

As a member of the Board of Directors Patricia will ensure that members needs will be kept front and centre. She will be a huge asset to the Board in determining the strategic direction of the organisation into its second centenary.

Brenda Lannon, Immediate Past District 71 Director

I have known Patricia for 10 Years. As a member of the District Leadership Team, I experienced at first hand her non-judgemental leadership style. Patricia is honest, respectful, constructive and fair in her problem solving and has great ability to empower people to come to their own decisions through careful listening skills, care and support. Patricia has many qualities and strengths including an ability for lateral thinking and for maintaining confidentiality. She exhibits decisiveness when faced with making significant decisions.

In the last 10 years I have learned from Patricias wealth of experience as a leader from Club to District Level and served with her on the District Team. As a Toastmaster and friend Patrica upholds all the Toastmaster Core Values. She has strength, loyalty, integrity, and honesty and I believe she will be a great asset on the Board of our global multicultural organisation.

Sue Eastman, Past District 71 Administrative Manager

During my tenure as Program Quality Director for District 119 in New York City, Patricia, hailing all the way from Ireland, assumed the role of Region Advisor for Region 9, a territory far removed from her home district. Her boldness in taking on this responsibility left a lasting impression on me. Not only did she navigate the challenging time zone differences with finesse, but she also made genuine efforts to understand and integrate into a completely different culture.

The following year, as District Director, I had the privilege of witnessing Patricia's reappointment for a second term as Region 9 Advisor. It was during this time that I truly came to appreciate her invaluable contribution to our district's success in achieving Distinguished status. She provided unwavering support, immediate responses, and invaluable mentoring, particularly during what felt like a year of constant battles.

Throughout our two years of collaboration, Patricia consistently displayed remarkable strength and composure amidst chaos. Her calm demeanour, coupled with her respectful approach and insightful advice, earned her a permanent place on my speed dial. I owe a great deal of gratitude to her leadership, as it was her encouragement that empowered me to emerge as a leader in my own right. Transitioning into the role of District Director brought about overwhelming responsibilities and bouts of imposter syndrome, but Patricia's mentorship provided me with the strength and confidence to step out of my own shadow and lead my District with conviction.

Furthermore, I deeply admire Patricia's unwavering commitment to upholding integrity in all her endeavours. She approaches her work with a steadfast adherence to governing documents, serving as a beacon of reliability and accountability.

Lisa Qu, Immediate Past District 119 Director