
One of my proudest moments in Toastmasters was carrying the Irish flag as incoming D71 Director at the Parade of Flags in Chicago in August 2018. Standing on that stage gave me an opportunity to reflect on how Toastmasters International has improved my life and the lives of so many members by helping them develop better communication and leadership skills, thereby making them more confident and more rounded individuals. I want to help rebuild Toastmasters in terms of membership and clubs to where it was pre-pandemic and to expand our global reach so that more individuals worldwide experience and benefit from the transformative effect of the Toastmasters brand.

The mission of Toastmasters International is to empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. I share that goal.

Effective Communicators

As we return to in-person meetings, the ability to effectively communicate our message in both a social and a business environment through various channels - in-person meetings, virtual meetings and on social media platforms - is a valuable skill to have for success. Good communication skills breed confidence and confidence is the driving force for change in our lives. Toastmasters gives members the opportunity to practice public speaking skills in a supportive and friendly environment, meeting after meeting, and it is this constant practice that builds up confidence and equips members to excel across diverse communication platforms.

Effective Leaders

Toastmasters is a worldwide community and every community needs leaders. Strong leadership skills are vital in navigating the challenges of the modern world. Skills such as:
Active Listening: Good leaders are attentive listeners. In Toastmasters we learn active listening. Listening actively helps leaders understand others' perspectives, foster collaboration, and make informed decisions. I once read that listening is a form of spiritual hospitality. I think that is a beautiful way to describe the art of listening – being hospitable to another person by giving that person your full attention.
Adaptability: During these last few difficult years we have seen the need for leaders to be adaptable and to be able to thrive in diverse situations. In Toastmasters, members learn to think on their feet, adapt their communication style to different audiences, and handle unexpected challenges confidently.
Empathy: Taking the time to understand others better, to understand their needs and what motivates them. In Toastmasters, when we mentor others, we practise empathy. We take an interest in another’s success and we nurture their journey in Toastmasters.

Active listening